Saturday, October 17, 2009

Arguement Freewrite

I've narrowed down my topics to two choices. Either an argument against online classes, or an argument against the current Bowl Championship Series system, and for a playoff system instead. My reasons for the argument against online classes would be the impersonal relationship between the teacher and student, how easy it is to cheat on assignments, resulting in the student not learning anything, and the distractions that can influence the student's participation. These can all give an unfair advantage or disadvantage to the student, and it shouldn't be allowed because of it. For my other argument, the current BCS system gives an unfair advantage to the larger conferences. A playoff system would also bring in a lot more money to the NCAA, which is what its really all about. But I've had trouble finding many other reasons against it, and I also don't think I could find many credible websites on this topic. This freewrite has helped me figure out my topic. It will be an argument against the online classes.

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