Sunday, September 13, 2009

Commercial Fallacies

ASPCA Animal Abuse Commercial
In this commercial, there are many fallacies that try to induce the audience into giving money to the ASPCA to assist them in helping animals that have been abused. One fallacy is the slippery slope. It tries to make you feel like if you don't give money then more and more animals will be abused. Until it comes to the large consequence where millions of animals are abused. Another fallacy it the appeal to authority. The commercial includes Sarah McLachlan. She is definitely not an expert on the topic of animal abuse. She is simply a singer. But they include her just to try to make the argument stronger. The last fallacy that is in this commercial is appeal to pity. There are many pictures of abused dogs and cats to try to make you feel bad for them. It makes you want to help them. If you think about it, almost every advertisement has some sort of fallacy included in it. But they work on the audience over and over, so they continue to use them.

1 comment:

  1. The ones I pity are the ones who never stick out their neck for something they believe, never know the taste of moral struggle, and never have the thrill of victory. See the link below for more info.

